Why Your Event Needs a Mobile App!

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A conference is an excellent opportunity to interact with dozens or hundreds of people in your field of expertise. They provide business opportunities if you know how to network effectively. When you are unsure about how to start, consider a conference networking app to make the process of hosting a successful event simple. Your employees, attendees, and business will thank you!

A conference networking app helps build strong connections and set up meetings that will create a productive environment where everyone can participate in. An event app boasts several features that improve the workplace and make conference networking more effective. Let’s look at a few of the many reasons mobile apps for events can make all the difference!

Know Your Attendees


Our event apps will allow you to reach out to vast audiences who can be beneficial to helping your business grow. A custom conference app helps create a list of attendees and view who will be attending. Putting a face to the name prior to the big event makes interactions flow more smoothly.

In addition, an event app helps you prepare in advance to make the most out of a networking conference. Knowing who will be attending also gives you the opportunity to resolve the meeting around the area’s most relevant to the goals of your company. You can also take advantage and schedule meetings during networking sessions to meet with like-minded individuals.

Audience Engagement

It’s difficult to know where to start when hosting a large conference event because we want it to be as engaging and professional as possible. A customized event app boosts audience engagement with polls, surveys, or gamification. These features are more exciting than traditional computer-based methods such as PowerPoint or email.

You can also engage your audience with an event app by creating a collaborative open question and dialogue forum. This will give attendees the opportunity to share their thoughts, submit their questions, ideas or feedback efficiently. Many times, we are more willing to share our thoughts virtually than face to face; this helps us prepare and get ready for upcoming events.

At the end of the conference, an event app also gives you the opportunity to invite everyone to participate in surveys and evaluations to obtain feedback on how the event went.

Save Time and Money

An event mobile application will help your company save time and resources by eliminating paper invitations, schedules, or hard copies of any kind since everything will be shared virtually. You are able to keep everyone in the know quickly and efficiently, especially since meetings are sometimes rescheduled or canceled due to unforeseen events.

Additionally, event apps are also great ways to send reminders as events are approaching directly to smart mobile devices. Audiences receive push notifications faster than the traditional email method because let’s face it – we all check our mobile devices as soon as we hear the alert.

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